Collings CJSB

The “jumbo” shape of Gibson’s classic dreadnaught guitars, featuring the “slope-shouldered” lines of their upper bout, provided the model for the CJ or Collings Jumbo.
The CJSB (SB stands for sunburst) illustrates how a modern guitarmaker builds on and refines a classic design.
While the body shape, the pickguard shape and, on this example, the sunburst finish, make it look very much like one of Gibson’s pre-World War II Advanced Jumbos or J-35s, the neck is unlike that of any Gibson. The graduated-size pearl dot inlays add a touch of elegance to the bound ebony fingerboard, and the peghead, though inspired by that of Gibson’s 1920s L-5 archtop, has the offset notch that is a Collings signature feature.