Electric Guitars
“My stepfather had an electric guitar. He went to his pawn store one day to get a guitar and an amp, and I couldn’t understand what I was hearing. All afternoon, I just sat against the amp and let it reverberate through me. Something must have stuck.”
– George Benson, famous guitarist & songwriter since 1960
My stepfather had an electric guitar. He went to his pawn store one day to get a guitar and an amp, and I couldn’t understand what I was hearing. All afternoon, I just sat against the amp and let it reverberate through me. Something must have stuck.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/electric_guitar.html
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/electric_guitar.html

To learn more about each guitar below simply click on the image of the desired model and enjoy!