Gretsch Clipper (single pickup)

The Gretsch Clipper was quite a “plain Jane” in the midst of large-bodied White Falcons, Cadillac Green Country Clubs and Amber Red Chet Atkins guitars, but the single-pickup, thinbody model held it’s own against Gretsch’s leading ladies for over a decade.
The Clipper’s success was simple – it was a bona fide Gretsch, but without the frills and without the added expense. After starting in 1956 with just a sunburst finish and a cheap pickup (probably made by Harmony), the Clipper got an optional natural finish in 1959 and Gretsch’s standard single-coil HiLo’Tron pickup in 1960. The natural finish was quickly discontinued, but the sunburst Model 6186 thrived at the bottom of the line.
It was never deemed worthy of the “neo-classic” thumbprint inlays or even the zero fret that other Gretsches had, although for a short time, it had a palm-operated vibrato that was unavailable on any of the higher models.
In 72′, Gretsch discontinued the original Clipper but replaced it with a two-pickup Clipper that lived on as the entry-level Gretach until 1975.