Jackson Double Rhoads

The 1983 Randy Rhoads model was the first guitar that Charvel owner Grover Jackson made under his own brand name.
It featured an offset-V-body shape, with a shorter treble-side body wing. When the long wing was mirrored on the treble side, it became a Double Rhoads.
Dave Linsk, who would become best known as the guitarist for the thrash band Overkill, had this Double Rhoads custom built for him in 1984. Robbin Crosby of RATT got his own Double Rhoads, which Jackson renamed the King V. After Dave Mustaine of Megadeath custom-ordered a King V in 1985, Jackson created a signature production model for Mustaine.
Randy Rhoads, who had gained fame in 1979 in the band of former Black Sabbath singer Ozzy Ozbourne, was killed in a plane crash in 1982 at age 25, but he continues to be a strong influence on heavy metal guitarists, and his offset-V signature model remains one of the representative models of the innovative Charvel/Jackson company.